Advantages of our Premium compatible monochrome toner
All our monochrome toner are engineered, manufactured and tested under strict quality control requirments to ensure consistently high quality for OEM equivalent Performance and Image-Quality under different environmental conditions (such as normal, high and low temperature and humidity).
Samples of every production batch are being taken for production-control testing prior to release of that particular batch for filling and packing. A retain sample of every batch is being kept in compliance with our manufacturing partners quality control system that is based on ISO 9001 and 14000.
Engineered in Japan our monochrome toner are manfactured at different production-sites in Japan, USA and China which are all strictly following the same quality control requirements and procedures. The production equiments are duplicated and all major raw-materials are purchased from Japanese suppliers or their branches overseas a Japanese local management teams in manufacturing – sites outside of Japan ensure compliancy to the various quality standards in Japan.

Advantages of our Premium compatible color toner
All our monochrome toner are engineered, manufactured and tested under strict quality control requirments to ensure consistently high quality for OEM equivalent Performance and Image-Quality under different environmental conditions (such as normal, high and low temperature and humidity).
Apart from various tests that are specific to color-toner they basically undergo the same quality control requirements as our monochrome toner but testing takes usually much longer as every color has to pass the test.
Engineered in Japan our color toner are manfactured in Japan and in China. The production equipment, used raw-materials and applied quality control requirements of our manufacturing partner’s plants in China are the same as in Japan and ensure color toner of the same consistently high quality. Japanese local management teams in manufacturing—sites outside of Japan ensure compliancy to the various quality standards in Japan.

Our product range – wide and deep, comprehensive
Our product range inclues Premium compatible monochrome and color toner for all major OEM brand copiers/MFPs and laserprinter (such as Brother, Canon, Epson, HP, Konica Minolta, Kyocera-Mita, Lexmark, Océ, Panasonic, Ricoh, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox and other brands) and are available in bulk – for industrial type customers that either resell these bulk-toner or are filling these into bottles and cartridges with their own filling-machines – and as finished products in patent-free compatible cartridges that are ready to be installed in your machine.
Our bulk toner are supplied in drums of 100kgs and in cartons of 20kgs and 10kgs. Among a wide range monochrome toner we are also offering a wide range of color toner and suitable carrier that are need to be pre-mixed with some of our bulk toner.
During the last few years the number of installed color machines has increased quite dramatically and surpassed in many markets already the number of monochrome machines. For the coming years we are expecting continous growth of the color segment and a contraction of the monochrome segment. On the other side we see that customers do not need color devices for all applications and that various OEMs are responding to that by launching new monochrome machines also.
These market changes are also impacting the toner manufacturers where we can see some of them not being able to follow that technical development towards more color because they are technically or for other reasons not able to develop and produce these toner by themselves. Consequently, more „Manufacturers“ turn into „Toner-Fillers“ and over time will loose their market position to those who are effectively manfuacturing these toner..
Due to our manufacturing partner’s strong R&D force and comittment to the toner business we are able to follow and cope with these market developments and continously release and launch new Premium compatible toner that allow us and our customers to continue supplying compatible toner of OEM equivalent quality and performance to the market place.

Proximity to the Manufactuer and Transparency
Are you sure the toner you are buying is effectively made by the manufacturer you are being told by your supplier ? Are you sure that the toner your are being supplied is always the same toner made by the same manufacturer? Is one shipment of bulk toner or toner in cartridges you have received suddenly of inferior quality? Do you feel comfortable about that? In times where many companies pretend to be the manufacturer of a toner but effectively are not and where competition is becoming more intense you should seriously think about these questions.
Different from other suppliers we are disclosing to our distributors the name of our manufacturing partner and provide also all necessary documents to substantiate this. You can therefore count that the toner you are buying from us is always from the same source and of the same high and consistent quality.
From time to time we are visiting our customers or meet with them on exhibitions together with our manufacturing partner and are supporting the direct- transfer of market information to the manufacturer as well important information from the manufacturer to our distributors.
Following the increasing complexity and technical features of the copiers/MFPs/laser printers also toner technology has become much more complex and requires apart from hundreds of copiers/MFPs/laserprinter also many specialized devices (such as ….) that must be operated, calibrated and maintained by professional staff for up-to-date quality control and testing under different environmental conditions. From these excellent technical capabilities and practical experience our customers are benefitting by receiving valuable first hand information but also by being supported in case a problem should occure with one of our toner. In that case – and following the continous improvement process – our manufacturing partner is pro-actively analyzing, and investigating the problem aiming to find the cause and also the solution.
Based on our own statistics and by listening to what the OEM’s are saying we believe that the average failure-rate of our toner is not higher then the rate of the OEM’s. Technical bulletins and various modifications of OEM Toner, drum-units and other major components show clearly that also orginal products are not free from failures that need to be improved and resolved.

Very high and consistent quality you can rely on
Beginning from the development of our Premium compatible toner to when the toner are being manufactured and tested prior to release for sale they have to fulfill very strict quality requirements that are verified in different analyses and tests during different stages of their development and production process.
The quality requirments are determined by our manufacturing partner and are based on the internal quality guidlines such as ISO-9001, 14000 and others that are very specific for the development and production of each toner to ensure OEM equivalent image-quality and performance in each of the recommended applications.
During the life-time testing the following aspects of the toner are being tested, measured and compared with the specification of our Premium compatible that is made up to achieve equivalent Image-Quality and Performance as with the original toner which is always the bench mark and reference that has to be achieved:
- toner consumption
- transfer effeciency
- waste toner
- fixation temperature
- particle-size-distribution
- electrical properties
- image density
- background
- color gamut
- halftone reproduction
- fixation of the toner on different papers
- dusting (visual check inside the machine)
- forward-compatibility (from OEM to our toner)
- backward compatibility (fom our toner to OEM toner)
- side-effects on major OEM components such as developer, OPC-drum, developer, drum-unit, heating-unit, Chargeroller and transferbelt
- leak-test (for cartridges)
- chip-test (for chips)
- transportation-simulation-test

Substantial Cost-savings and improvement of your profit
With our Premium Compatible monochrome and color toner we are offering our customers and reliable and price-competitive alternative to the OEM toner that allows to reduce printing cost against the OEM substantially toner without compromising on Image-Quality (ie. optical-density, color-gamut, halftone-reproduction) or Performance (i.e. yield, waste,transfer-efficiency and fixation of our toner) under different environmental conditions.
Our Premium compatible monochrome and color toner are aimed at distributors and priced for reselling at prices 20-30% below the OEM prices and are probably the best you can find in the industry in terms of quality and consistency.
Especially in times and markets where the economical situation is forcing companies and public organizations to make economies our Premium compatible toner provide an excellent opportunity to reduce printing-cost significantly without compromising on Image-Quality or Performance and restore or at least help to restore the profit-margin for our distributors, their resellers.
End-useres are benefitting from a very cost-effective alternative toner that can also be used in MPS environments where reliability of the used supplies is key. Ask you dealer, system-integrator or distributor for our Premium compatible toner and see the substantial cost-savings that can be achieved.

Flexible Logistics
As we are shipping our Premium Compatible toner from different warehouses in Europe, USA, Taiwan and Hongkong and production-sites in Japan, USA and China to distributors in more then 40 different countries in Europe, Middle-East, Africa and Russia Logistics and Logistics-Services have become very important.
We are therefore individually supporting and assisting our distributors in finding the best solution and are handling their orders and shipments to be either shipped with the freight-forwarder of their choice or by a freight-forwarder we are working with. We are also arranging consolidations from different shipping points in order to save our customers time and cost. We are doing this in close cooperation with our customers, our manufacturing parter and the respective freigth-forwarder. In general we are not charging our customers for support and assistance and for freight the effective cost only without any surcharge.

Technical Support
Our toner are developed, manufactured, tested, bottled and packed under strict quality control requirements that allow us to achieve failure rates similar to the OEM toner. Being sold to more then
40 different countries and used under different operational and climatic conditions users are copying and printing with our color and monochrome toner in diifferent types of machines daily hundreds of thousand pages.
Every month we are releasing new color- and monochrome toner in bulk and in cartridges for new machines that were realeased by the OEMs allowing our distributors to follow and keep-up with the fast development of the market and the shorter machine life-cycles.
Needless to say that this cannot be achieved continously without a professional technical support that is built on the solid level of technial competence and experience of our manufacturing partner and our ourselves.
Our technical support to the customers is therefore very comprehensive and includes:
- various test-reports and certificates
- various data-sheets
- technical investigations on toner/cartridge/chip investigations
- sample testing
- compatibility information on toner/cartridges/chips
- technical supported introduction of new toner
- technical meetings and assistance on site
- customization of toner formulations
- development of customer specific toner

Personal Service
We are a lean and efficient organization that is actively managed and run by the owner who values continuity, personal relationship & commitment and longterm view as very essential factors in the daily contact with our customer and business partner. This enables us not only to act quickly and flexible but also ensures stability and a very high personal engagement to stay close to the customers and feel the pulse of the market.
Our experienced and motivated staff is able to communicate in German, French, English, Italian, Turkish and Russian and highly committed in providing our customers a personal and competent services in sales, order-processing and shipping.
Market and product-information are being collected and conveyed without delay to the responsible person. This is not only very appreciated by our customers but also by our manufacturing partner and other business partner and ensures a usually very short response time.

We are responsive not only to our customers and other business partner but also to our environment. Being environmentally friendly is therefore one of core values and impacting all our operational activities from R&D to purchasing and further to warehousing and shipping. Together with our manufacturing partner we are therefore aiming to continously deliver Premium compatible monochrome and color toner that are innovative and sustainable also. We are optimizing our business processes not only in terms of efficiency but also in terms of making these more environmental friendly.
By ensuring that all our Premium toner are compliant with the European, American and Japanese directives and standards we are contributing continuously to protect our environment not only domestically but where ever our Premium toner are being supplied and consumed.
All our Premium compatible toner are engineered to meet the international ISO 14000 requirements as well as the European REACH regulations.
REACH is the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. It came into force on 1 June 2007 and applies to substances manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne per year or more. It covers substances on their own, in a preparation or in an article manufactured, imported, placed on the market or used.
Especially when it comes to compatible toner not all the manufacturers are meeting these requirements and are able to provide the relevant documentations.

Market to Manufacturer Information-System (MMIS)
To feedback information from the field to our Japanese manufacturing partner we are using a comprehensive and very efficient Market to Manufacturer Information-System (MMIS) that allows to collect and update our manufacturing partner frequently about the field experience of our customers with toner that have just been launched but also with toner that are being used for a long time already. Together with frequent meetings this kind of quality monitoring during the entire life-cycle of our toner is providing valuable information (including also changes on machines, developer, toner implemented by the OEM) which is being used for the engineering and testing of new toner.